
Promoting Sustainability in the Workplace: How Recruiters Can Lead the Way

Mon, 19 Aug 2024
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Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword—it’s becoming a core value for businesses everywhere. As ethical recruiters, we’re in a unique position to help companies build teams that not only excel in their roles but also care about making a positive impact on the planet. Here’s how we can champion sustainability and help create greener, more responsible workplaces.

Why Sustainability Should Matter to Recruiters

In today’s world, candidates are looking for more than just a paycheck. They want to work for companies that share their values, and sustainability is right at the top of that list. As recruiters, we have the opportunity to connect these candidates with businesses that are committed to making a difference. It’s not just about filling roles—it’s about helping to shape the future of work.

1. Spotting Sustainability-Minded Candidates

Finding candidates who are passionate about sustainability can make all the difference. These are the people who will bring fresh ideas and a genuine commitment to eco-friendly practices.

  • Look Beyond the CV: Check out any sustainability projects they’ve been involved in, whether through work, volunteering, or personal initiatives. Certifications in sustainability or participation in green events are also great indicators.
  • Ask the Right Questions: During interviews, ask candidates about their thoughts on sustainability. For example, “How have you contributed to sustainability in your previous roles?” or “What ideas do you have for making workplaces more eco-friendly?”

2. Weaving Sustainability into Job Descriptions

If your client’s company is serious about sustainability, make sure it shines through in the job descriptions. This not only attracts like-minded candidates but also shows that the company is genuinely committed to its green goals.

  • Highlight Green Initiatives: Whether the company is cutting down on plastic use, investing in renewable energy, or encouraging cycling to work, make sure these initiatives are front and centre.
  • Why It Matters: Candidates want to know they’re joining a company that aligns with their values. By highlighting sustainability efforts, you’re more likely to attract top talent who care about making a difference.

3. Advising Clients on Sustainable Practices

As a recruiter, you can also play an advisory role. Suggesting sustainable practices to clients not only helps them become more eco-friendly but also makes them more attractive to potential candidates.

  • Green Office Tips: Encourage clients to adopt practices like energy-efficient lighting, recycling programmes, or even simple changes like going paperless.
  • Flexible Working: Remote or flexible working options can significantly reduce a company’s carbon footprint by cutting down on commuting. Plus, it’s a perk that many candidates value.

Why It’s Good for Business

Let’s be honest—sustainability isn’t just good for the planet; it’s good for business too. Companies that prioritise sustainability often see higher employee satisfaction, better retention rates, and an enhanced reputation. As recruiters, when we promote sustainability, we’re not just filling roles; we’re helping to build stronger, more resilient companies.


Sustainability is quickly becoming a non-negotiable for businesses, and as recruiters, we have a key role to play in promoting it. By identifying sustainability-minded candidates, integrating green practices into job descriptions, and advising clients on eco-friendly initiatives, we can lead the way in building a more sustainable and responsible workplace.

Want to learn more about how Impact can help you build a green team? Get in touch with us today, and let’s make sustainability a part of your recruitment strategy.