After months of anticipation, intense training and practise runs to the nearest bars (still counts); the day finally arrived for our Impactees… race time!
Our brave athletes made the courageous decision last year to compete in the Brighton Half Marathon, and we couldn’t be prouder of them *wipes tear from eye*. On Sunday 28th of February, a glorious sunny-winters day (makes a change); Nick, Sam, Becks and Natalie ran the race on behalf of Chestnut Tree House Charity; an amazing hospice in East/West Sussex who cares for 300 children and young adults, suffering from progressive life-shortening conditions.
Not only did they successfully finish the race in personal record-breaking times, but these shamazing four raised over £1200 for a truly incredible/ life-changing charity *que the applause*.
With our new CSR committee up and running, this year we’re taking our designated charities by storm! So look out for more updates, blogs and news about Charity events we’ll be taking part in.
Impact Creative, a team making an IMPACT, to create a better future.