My experience at Impact has been absolutely amazing! I have been able to contribute to an amazing company and I have been able to gain some experience on working within an office environment, as well as learning some new skills throughout the past 2weeks. At first, I was a little nervous but excited and keen to start my placement at Impact as this was my first work placement ever!
My first day at Impact was wonderful as i was welcomed with warm smiles and friendly handshakes from everyone in the office. Everyday i was given a different division to shadow and help out with for the day. Some of the tasks that i would be given to complete were: Client Research, CV Screenings, Meeting and greeting Candidates, Running office errands for the Office Manager, Passport scanning and Database Management. I have thoroughly enjoyed doing each and every task that i have been given – Even Office Errands!
Being here for 2weeks has really helped me boost my confidence and improved on skills i already have and gained new skills such as communication skills, Time management skills, how to conduct myself in a office environment and my concentration focus and drive to get the task done.
This whole ordeal has been an fantastic experience for me and i couldn’t be more grateful to Nick, Julia and the rest of the Impact team for an incredible 2 weeks at the company.