After much anticipation and planning for our office move the time has come for us to roll up our sleeves and actually physically move *note to selves, always lift with the legs*. We are all about sharing so let us paint you a picture of the Impact moving experience – we are all wearing dungarees and bandanas and playing with various novelty items we find during the packing (maybe an inflatable beach ball, a ridiculous hat or a promotional stress ball of some description), we playfully pack someone into a box for a laugh and then, when all the packing is done, we all stand in a line and pass along the boxes into the van. Once the van is full we give it a firm tap on the back door to signal we are ready for it to go and arms around each other’s shoulders we watch it drive away. Our move looks nothing like this. So while our moving experience doesn’t look like a cheesy movie montage we have to say things are looking pretty good. Our belongings are making their way into the boxes next to our desks and our cleansing and purging of unneeded/ancient documents and general “stuff” is on track and all those pens, staplers, paperclips and miscellaneous stationery items we had accused our colleagues of stealing have suddenly appeared (awkward…) so we’ll have to pack those too. Meanwhile over at the new office the new flooring has been laid, the meeting room has been constructed and the walls are looking nice and fresh with a new coat of paint. Now that we are on our way to the new office we are like kids on a long car trip asking “are we there yet?” , sure we should try and enjoy the moving “journey” but knowing what is waiting for us at the new office (a pool table!) we can’t help but be all about the destination. We have found though, as with most “journeys”, a good soundtrack helps keep up morale so we have compiled a little playlist to help keep us motivated and sane while we move – here are our top 5 moving songs:
#1 I Like to Move it (Reel 2 Reel) – This songs acts like a positive mantra for moving, if you say “I like to move it” out loud enough times you actually start to believe it! This is also a great track for a spontaneous dance break.
#2 Movin on up (M People) – So most of the lyrics are irrelevant to our moving experience however the overall sentiment of moving on to better things is the same.
#3 Changes (David Bowie) – For those needing a little bit of help facing the change.
#4 We gotta get out of this place (The Animals) – For when it all starts to get a bit much and you need an outlet for your frustration.
#5 Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) – For when the delirium sets in. Listening to something more neurotic than your state of mind will help you feel normal by comparison.
No exercise of the logistical complexity of an office move is without it’s dramas but overall we have to say: so far so good. We know our good moving karma and amazing new home in Farringdon isn’t actually to do with chance and that it comes down to all the hard work, organisation and project management and vision of some key members of the Impact team who are making it happen – thanks guys!
The rest of these boxes won’t pack themselves and the computer this is being written on needs to be packed up too so we better go. We’ll write soon with an update from the new Impact HQ, well that’s if we aren’t too busy playing pool.