As we sit here, sipping on our ever-so English tea and coffee, looking out of the window at the gloomy grey sky, reflecting on the fact that a month ago we were sitting on a beach, gulping back the cocktails, and bathing in the glorious sunshine. Not crying… we’re definitely not crying right now… oh who am I kidding…? TAKE US BACK.
NOW, as much as nothing will ever compare to Ibiza for a long time… and I mean a VERY long time. We’re still keeping sociable and of course maintaining our non-alcoholic related antics… AS IF.
Our next Impactee venture comes next Friday with a visit to All Star Lanes to have abowlof a time *pun intended*. And of course in the usual competitive spirit, bowling shoes are currently undergoing polishing, and the shirts ironed. Did I mention the personally engraved balls too?
Next Friday will bring lots of laughter, booze, competitiveness and of course… FUN! Ibiza round #2 – but this time in a bowling alley down Brick Lane… Totally the same *we wish*.